This scholarship is designed to provide financial assistance for Minor Hockey Registration with Calgary Hockey and to honour the legacy of Clayton Fernie and his love for hockey.

About Clayton

Clayton Fernie was an amazing person, with a zest for life and a genuine love of hockey.  His passion for hockey began at a very young age.  One of his first words was HOCKEY!

He appreciated his role as Team Captain, Assistant Captain and Team Player. He took his roles very seriously and was always acknowledging others on the team for their hard work, dedication and abilities.  He would arrange games on the outdoor community rinks, floor hockey in the school gyms and with his friends for street hockey. He enjoyed helping others and being active. 

His profound sense of self was evident each time he got on the ice or picked up a hockey stick.  He had a great respect for the game, the players, the commitment and the dedication involved in the sport.  He valued the camaraderie of his teammates and as such, many long-lasting friendships were formed.  They became “like family” to him. 

He was so happy to teach his sisters how to skate and how to handle a puck on the ice, so they could spend time on the ice together. He stayed committed to playing hard right until the last second of the game. Hockey was more than a sport to Clayton, it was a very important part of his being. 

The discipline, dedication and enjoyment of the game helped to shape his life with regards to respecting others, time commitments, the inclusivity of sportsmanship and the sheer love and happiness that the sport of hockey provided for him.

Get Involved

Looking to get involved? You can donate to one of our upcoming silent auctions or attend an event. Contact us to learn more

Application Deadline: April 28, 2023 by no later than 7pm.